Interestingly most of AtomJump was written on a mobile phone!
Peter Abrahamson
Original Author
AtomJump started out in 2011 as an experiment in proximity and browser-based chat. It was a little known app called 'ssshout', which while attracting a few lonely people, didn't really appeal to a wider audience. However, the technology was interesting and in 2014 was rebooted as a customer feedback tool for websites by it's original author.

Again, the tool needed to be improved to become fully useful, and was remarketed as an open source browser messaging product in 2015/16 after the author recognised the imbalance that the large technology monopolies at the time were creating in the communications market. The open source server software was released in 2016.

In late 2016, AtomJump released an app for iPhone and Android phones to complement the browser tool and refined the support for all modern browsers (and even a few old ones).

AtomJump became a New Zealand Limited Company in 2016, centered in Christchurch, New Zealand but distributed worldwide. The company makes it's money selling an unrelated medical imaging product, MedImage, and in 2019 transferred the development and publication of it's messaging product to it's sister organisation, the AtomJump Foundation.

The non-profit AtomJump Foundation now handles all matters relating to the hosting, development and publication of the AtomJump Messaging tool. The manifesto of the Foundation is available here.

On starting up: my family wanted me to get a real job, but none came through. I couldn't find work in any of the large technology companies, or as a checkout assistant or cleaner. I was considered to be mad by many. So I persisted with AtomJump development, instead, and took positive action!
Peter Abrahamson
Original Author